My Family


Saturday, April 4, 2009

restraining the destruction of sin

just a thought before going to bed, i've been meditating on Ephesians chapter 3. The overwhelming revelation that the church, or the body of Christ, was God's plan from the beginning of time to unite Himself with the ones that He loved, that would be us, through His Son, Jesus Christ, continues to blow my mind. He loved us so much that He included us in His plan to unveil His character in all of His glory to the world and even to the angelic rulers. (Ephesians 3:10) We, as the body of Christ, are being formed into the fixed dwelling place of God Himself. As we are here on this earth, the Holy Spirit of God in all of His righteousness, remains. Sin, in all of its destruction, will be restrained from finishing its complete demise as long as the church remains here. ( I Thessalonians 2:7) We need not fear of any of the things that we hear about the world coming to its end or man destroying his world therefore destroying himself. At this point in history, we, the body of Christ, keep the world from becoming like Sodom and Gomorah. It should bring us great peace to know that as long as we are still here, the end of this world will never come. But "whoa to the world" once we are taken away. The bride will go home with her bridegroom and the righteous seed will be gone from the earth. Sin will be given full freedom to do what sin does, bring death. Praise God!! That is actually "good news" for us!!


Kimberly said...

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 ESV

Hallelujah!! This came to mind when I read this....the fear getting pushed away because of the promise of God! And you are so right!!! This is most definitely great news!

christy rose said...

Kim, Thank you for commenting. It is so true Jesus has definitely overcome the world. Through the finished work of the cross, we have been made the dwelling place of the Spirit of God and all of His righteousness. While we are here on this earth, we can have confidence that the world will not suffer the full destruction of sin until Jesus comes to take us away. God is so good and loves us so much to choose us to be in union with Him and fill the earth with Himself. He has overcome the world!!!