My Family


Saturday, April 11, 2009

its all worth it because i love them

the shopping is done for all the new easter clothes, the eggs are filled with candy, the baskets are filled with gifts, the potato dish and green bean casserole are done and ready to be taken to the family dinner tomorrow. i have finished my work for this upcoming holiday. and the reason for it all.....? its not just about giving my kids more stuff. but, it's about family, my family. and, allowing the heart of my Father to be revealed through me toward my family. but, it's all worth it because i love them! but, as i sit here and think about what Easter is all about, i am made to realize that i am reflecting the heart of Jesus.

if we happened to be living two thousand years ago, we might have heard Jesus say these words, "I have lived a sinless life, i have taken on the world's sin, i have suffered the judgement of that sin, i arose from the dead and conquered the grave through my Righteousness, i am now sitting at the right hand of my Father, and i have sent the Holy Spirit to live in you. I have finished my work for all eternity. and the reason for it all.....? its not just about giving the ones I love more stuff. but, its about family, My family. and, allowing the heart of my Father to be revealed through Me toward My family. but, it's all worth it because i love them!"

with that thought i am off to bed so i can rise and enjoy the celebration of the resurrection of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! it is going to be a happy, glorious day! Happy Easter!

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