one of my very favorite blogging friends, Jennifer, has just this week started a series at Getting Down with Jesus, on "why we blog." she has challenged any of her readers that would like to join her in this series on our own blogs to do so. i thought it was a great idea to think to myself and consider, "why do i blog?"
i just began writing a blog about six weeks ago. i had been introduced to blogging several months before that. i had met a new friend at my church and was told that she wrote a blog and that i should stop by sometime and read it. so i did. i was so touched and moved by the sweetness of her heart as i read what she wrote. her blog, Little Mommy of Two is simple. she lists five things on each post about what she is thankful for. what an amazing thing to do to keep ourselves recognizing the blessings that are going on all around us everyday. I frequently stopped by her blog to be touched by what God was doing in her life. then, i realized that she had started another one about what God was showing her, what she was learning at church and how it had changed her life, My Life {in the Light}. i pretty much cried through each of her posts because i had seen this young lady grow in so many ways and here i was reading about what was going on inside of her heart. i was overwhelmed with how her words touched my own heart so deeply.
it was then that i gave in to the leading of the Spirit of God to begin my own journey of putting my heart into words here in the blogging world. i thought it just might be possible for God to use me and the secret issues in my life, that many times i only share with Him, to touch someone else in the way that Steph's sharing of her heart had so deeply touched mine.
i am a wife and a mom of five wonderful children and i have an amazing life. but, i am still daily finding myself stuggling with the challenges of raising my individual children, all with unique personalities, strengths, and weaknesses and being a support to my wonderful husband. taking my heart to Jesus everday for His guidance and wisdom to help me get through each struggle and come out victorious in the end was my goal. and God is so faithful!!
writing a blog has helped me to continue to lay my heart out before Him and be real. be real with Him and myself. i have found that many of the things that my heart is struggling with get resolved as i sit and begin to write out my heart and let Him take me to the answer through my Bible and my keyboard. it has been an amazing adventure for me. God has brought me daily to new enlightening Truths and revelations as i look inside of me to find Him. His guidance has helped me with finding answers for my family that i could have never resolved without Him. as i sit each day and think about what my heart is pondering, i take whatever it is, good or bad, and lay it at His feet, either in need or in thanksgiving. then, as Jennifer said so beautifully in her post today, i listen! and i write what His love has ministered to my heart at that moment. it is so healing to me. and, i pray that someone just might happen to find my blog, hear my heart being touched by my God, and be moved and touched in the core of their being as well. that is why i blog.
4 days ago
I love this: "writing a blog has helped me to continue to lay my heart out before Him and be real."
That can be so freeing -- and scary -- all at once!
Thanks for participating in this writing project. You've been a blessing, once again. So glad you've decided to blog, and I look forward to reading how God works through you here ...
Blogging is my therapy! Checking in from sits roll call!
I began blogging because I was prompted in my heart to do so. I resisted at first because I was uncertain about putting my heart out there for the entire internet to read - knowing that some would have completely different beliefs and feelings; but I stepped out in obedience and began recording the things that God was revealing to my heart each day. I agree with your statement about how it helps to lay your heart out before the Lord and be real. It has been a wonderful journey and I've "met" so many wonderful people along the way that I am privileged to now call friends.
Keep on blogging! You are a blessing to many.
After I started my main blog I was called to start I'd love for you to stop by. I'm also always interested in guest bloggers if you're interested.
Thanks for stopping by my blog & helping to make my SITS day special!
Loved this, Christy Rose. It's interesting to see how some of these blogs I read began and why. I just might have to do this, too.
Hi Christy,
This was great. I started blogging because I like to write my life's experiences and feelings in living and loving through Him and if I know that I've touched just one person out there, then I've fulfilled what I set out to accomplish. It's also therapeutic to read my own writings and what I've been going through or how I felt at that particular time. I felt prompted by the Lord to start blogging. At first it was journaling to myself and to God and now, it's journaling through Him to many). I just love Him!
Love you,
Writing a blog has done two things. On a purely discipline level it has gotten me back into the habit of daily writing (having five kids as well I had let my skills take a back seat). But secondly having a commitment to a blog is a serious ministry. I need to know what God wants to say through me to those who come daily.I'm glad you blog! You bless me.
I began blogging in July 2008 after "lurking" about my sister's blog for about a year. Being homebound for five years I had been quite lonely, the Lord touched my heart and my life telling me that my life is not over and I still have more to offer others. So I stepped outside of my comfort zone and began blogging. I am truly amazed of how precious the people are in blogging world! I have truly been blessed.
What started out as reaching out to meet other Christian women, God has shown me that this is a ministry for His glory. God is so faithful!
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