What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now? Zest
Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? No
Is there anything moldy in your refrigerator? Probably
Are there any dirty dishes in your sink? Yes
What would you change about your living room? I would make it twice as big
Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? Clean
Do you have a can of mushrooms in your pantry? No! Ate them on pizza tonight
White or wheat bread? Wheat!
What is on top of your refrigerator? Two baskets full of junk
What color is your sofa? tan
What color or design is on your shower curtain? solid periwinkle
How many plants are in your home? zero alive! two fake
How many candles are in your home? I don't know, several
Is your bed made right now? no
If you have a coffee pot, what color is it? stainless steel and black
Electric or standard can opener? Standard but mine is a piece of junk. I need a new one
Comet or Soft Scrub? neither
Is your closet organized? semi-organized. I try to make it organized, but five kids do not cooperate very well when putting things away
What color is the flashlight that you use the most? black and silver
What kinds of things are in your junk drawer? you name it, i probably have it in there
Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? Glass
Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? no
If you have a garage, is it cluttered? we have a three car garage. and only two cars can fit in it
Curtains or blinds? Both!
How many pillows do you sleep with? Two
Do you sleep with any lights on at night? no! pitch black
How many ceiling fans are in your home? six
How often do you vacuum? Never. I have 5 kids
What color is your toothbrush? blue.
Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? Yes
What is in your oven right now? two trivets, a pan that I fried a hamburger in earlier on the stovetop and a hand towel hanging over the handle of the oven door
Is your microwave clean or dirty? always dirty
Is there anything under your bed? a pedestal with drawers of clothes
Chore you hate doing the most? The bathrooms
What retro items are in your home? None.
Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? No I wish!
If you have a yard, who mows it? my husband, along with my toddler son,(see pic below) and my 15 year old son
Is there anything on your kitchen floor right now? a bowl of dog water and a dog
How many mirrors are in your home? A lot
Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home? no that would be nice though!
What color are your walls?living room-sage green, sun room-yellow, kitchen-red, dining room-cream and brown, coffee colors, hall-mustard yellow, bedrooms-blue, pink, purple, green, periwinkle, tan, bathrooms-light yellow
Which rooms in your house have wallpaper? None
Do you have a peephole in your front door? window
Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home? no
What does your home smell like right now? burning hair! My daughter is straightening her hair with a flat iron. I hate that smell
Fave candle scent? mulberry
What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? dill
Who are in the pictures you displayed? My family
What color is your favorite bible? red
Do you have plenty of cabinet space in your kitchen? no!
Ever been on your roof? No
Do you own a stereo? no
How many tvs do you have? two
How many house phones? four
Do you have a housekeeper? I have 5 kids
What style do you decorate in? mostly traditional
Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints? I like both
Is there a smoke detector in your home? Yes one in every room
In case of fire, what are the items you would grab if you only could make one quick trip? My kids, my pets and my pictures (family photos).
Do you know how to work your electrical box? no
What temperature in your home is most comfortable to you? 71° in the summer and 69° in the winter.
jacob thinks he is so big helping daddy mow the lawn
Breakfast with the President
7 hours ago
Thanks for hoppin' over to my blog! Your blog looks fun and encouraging . . . I'm following you now!
Precious picture of Jacob "helping" daddy! My kids used to love to do what their dad did.
Then they got old enough to do it and it wasn't so fun anymore, lol!
oops, that was from me, Nan!
~ Nan
I love your temperatures in the winter and summer. Wouldn't it just be great if they both stayed at around 70?
Loved getting to know more about you and your home!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Christy Rose...
I'm hopping over here to see you, but I've never done a blog hop before. Have to read up on the rules before I break some unspoken blog etiquette!
Your comments on my posts have been so encouraging. Thank you for your sweet words. I want to go back and read the posts you mention. Listening has always been hard for me...I'm all about talking!
Still practicing.
This was a cool post! I like it :) Thanks for sharing more of you with us!!
Our temps are exactly the same in summer and winter :)
I love it....when did you vaccuum last? I have 5 kids...you go girl!!! Same with me but I only have 2 at home!
such a cute pic and the other day tooo! I was looking at them and got interrupted and didn't comment but they were adorable of the kids having fun swimming,
Love to you
That was a fun and different questionairre....I might have to put that one on my blog :)
I love the picture...so cute!
We're a zest family, without a vacuum! So fun to splash around with you today and get to know you a bit more.
Hugs from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn
Laundry is pretty easy and has immediate results (well fairly immediate).
My kids are having a problem taking their clotes to their rooms and putting them away. Not sure what it's gonna take to get that understood.
You answered all those questions. I like your house colors. I was thinking to paint our living room sage and maybe a darker wall somwhere in there.
My kitchen is light yellow w/ sage counter tops. I'm happy with those colors.
Thanks for visiting,
Very cool getting to know more about you. Cute picture of Jacob with Daddy. Loving those curls.
That was pretty cool - a lot of questions!! I have many similar answers I see.
Hey thanks for visiting my blog! I enjoyed reading that quiz about you. It was great way to get to know you a little!
love the picture. and the home quiz. i have never seen that one before! but. with five kids. you don't vacuum. does that mean THEY do. or you just don't vacuum because it doesn't pay? ;0) lol.
I'd freeze in your house. We keep ours at 78 in the daytime and 75 at night. ha ha ha
I guess I'm just acclimated to the Texas heat!
I hate that burning hair smell too and I love your purple shower curtain. Are your 5 children the housekeepers? That must be swell
How blessed you are to have 5 kiddos and one that's still a baby! He's absolutely adorable, too! :)
Enjoyed reading your list!
I loved visiting and reading this list. So many things made me smile and some I can definitely relate too.
Love the photo!!!
I felt like I was in your home getting to know you. Fun.
That was really fun to read. I love that you don't need to vacuum since you have 5 kids!!! ;)
Now I want 5 kids.
I agree with you on the toilet thing. Honestly, it is word verification. Yours right now is Dedysmet?? Im gonna have to think on that one!!
Enjoyed the fun facts of you and of course the picture is adorable.
What a sweet little helper!!
Cute questionnaire...I laughed aloud at your answer to
"Do you have a housekeeper?"
Thanks for sharing this....
Loved learning a little about you! I love candles too! Great pictures!
Love to you
Hey! I just had to come over and thank you for being so sweet and for your order at my boutique! Thank you so much for helping me to raise money for Zach. I was heading to the post office later today, so I'll have them off to you today :)
Coming over here again reminded me that I wanted to do your fun questionnaire on my blog too. Ha!
Have a great day!
You have a beautiful family. I have enjoyed your blog. I am a MOM and Homeschool Teacher to my 7 blessings. I have been happily married for 24 years. Hope to catch up on your posts soon. Blessings,
Outhouses, ugh! Well I guesss they are better than nothing.
The new kind are better. This particular campground had the newer kind last time I was there, several years ago.
Hello Christy Rose,
I am wondering who comes up with some of these questions!
One thing’s for sure, we know more about you, like what color your bathroom shower curtain is…Ha! Ha!
I like my home very warm in the winter…and I live in California, so you know I am spoiled. On days we can burn…there are restrictions now…I keep my home a toasty 78 degrees inside. I LOVE that fire!
I really enjoyed your post. Your little one is quite the helper!
my kind of home!
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