i still tell him that every time i catch him with inedible things in his mouth but it is mostly just out of a mommy habit and not because i am that concerned about it anymore. but, now i have a 16 month old that is at that age of picking up everything and putting them in his mouth too. i can always tell by the way that he is holding his mouth that he has something in it. i say the same thing to him, "get that out of your mouth jacob," and obediently he walks over to me and spits whatever it is into my hand, which some times has really grossed me out. it is really important that i notice when jacob has something in his mouth that should not be there and make him get rid of it because it can be dangerous for him. he could swallow something that he could choke on or make him very sick. i am not just being mean and not letting him have a fun time. i am concerned about how he could be affected if he continues to put things in his mouth that do not belong there.
the last time i found myself telling jacob to spit out whatever was in his mouth, he very quickly obeyed. but a few minutes later, there was something else in his mouth. over and over again throughout that day, we carried out the same scenario. i thought to myself jacob just does not understand the danger that he is in by putting those things in his mouth. if he only knew how harmful that it could be, he would stop doing it. immediately i felt the Lord say to me that is how he thinks about his children when we allow negative, ugly, harmful words come forth from our mouths. if we could only understand the danger that we are in when we dabble in talking negatively or gossip or using ungodly language, we would stop doing it. just as physically dangerous as it is for jacob to put things in his mouth that he can choke on, it is spiritually dangerous for me to allow things in my mouth that are not originated from the heart of God. proverbs 18:7 states, "a fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to himself." that is why He is always saying, "get that out of your mouth!" to us when we allow wrong things to enter there. He is not just being mean and not wanting us to have a fun time. He is concerned about how we could be affected if we keep allowing garbage into our mouths.
sometimes, we are just like josiah and ignore the promptings to not put things in our mouths that should not be there and sometimes we are like jacob and get rid of whatever it is then quickly pick something else just as dangerous and put it in our mouth. if we would just realize the dangerous place that our mouth can be and look
to Him to fill it with Truth that will bring us life, He will. Psalm 81:10 says, "I am the Lord, your God...open your mouth wide and I will fill it." He fills our mouths with the things that are good for us and bring us life. thank you Lord that You never give up on us and let us die from our own persistent, independent ways. thank you that you do not just command us to quit doing something but you fulfill your command in and through us as we look to you to do so. thank you Lord!

Life (and children) are so often the best of teachers! Great analogies.
Be blessed,
What an awesome example for each of us. Great post!
Blessings, andrea
So much truth lies within your post. I was trying to see where this was going and you amazed me with your analogy!
It will make me think about what I not only put in my mouth but what comes out of it. So often I am quick to respond without thinking.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Hey Christy,
You won the Newsboys CD from my Blog-a-Palooza!
Email me your address and I'll get that sent right out to you!
Amen! May we let Him fill our mouths instead of the world. Thank you for sharing this great lesson with us!
What a great post...and what a wonderful message!
Have a blessed week...
Got to love it when God teaches us something, by the instructions that come out of our own "mommy mouths."
Well said.
Love the analogies. Isn't it great when God teaches us something through our children? It happens often, I think. Great post!
What a wonderful post. Right from your heart to mine. Thank you, friend.
Great post and so true!
Exactly! May rivers of life flow from our mouths and be used for His glory!
Thanks for splashing me today,
Sarah Dawn
This is good! I did a study on this in a sense and it is amazing the Power of our words!
Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
See~ you ARE doing bible study, in your posts!!! :)
love you!
I would rather get filled by God's goodness than choke with the worldly things. Great post sister Christy! God bless.
So nicely put! I love it when God reveals something to us through our children. Kinda our own little epiphany! =0)
Hi Christy, I was just leaving a comment on Grammy Girlfriend's getting to know you post and saw that you live in Washington, IL. So do I. I enjoyed my quick visit to your blog...I am sure I'll be back when I get more time, I'd like to get to "know" you better.
A very creative piece of writing, dear one. This topic is something I need to read on a constant basis.
An excellent illustration! That's one that will stick with me.
Amen, preach it sister :)
Love your posts.
Great post, Christy Rose. There's so much truth here it hurts.
I'm really getting a message these days to LISTEN AND OBEY. This is one more thing to work on.
So often we let things become our way or our nature when it's not God's way it's wrong.
Thanks for another good message.
I am so glad He doesn't give up on us!
Very good post, excellent analogy. I know that I have to be careful what I put in my mind as that's what is going to come out of my heart and mouth.
You are so right, we need to be filling our minds and hearts with His truth.
My mouth has been a constant source of embarrassment and harm over the years. Age has brought some wisdom in the matter, but greater than my years has been the sacred shaping I've received from my Father. I want to honor him with my life and my words. Actually, writing a blog has helped me along these lines. It's made me think twice about what I'm writing and how I'm living. I want to live what I write.
On another note, I am so glad to be out of that "putting everything in the mouth phase" of parenting! Honestly, I worried about a great many things when mine were tee-tiny.
Keep to it.
Powerful wisdom tools within your message dear sister.
Hi Christy,
I visited your blog this morning and read three of your most recent posts. I love your honesty and transparency...two things that are really important to me.
Your blog is such a delightful place to visit, you spread cheer and joy! Loved reading about your sons... wow, you do have your hands full with five children with ages ranging from teens to one!
Yes, the things we put in our mouth... we should really be careful. I love the way you put it.
It's so true!
I look forward to visiting again.
Great analogy, Christy Rose. And how this extends to our entire life...out of our hands, ears, minds... As I think about it I am reminded of friendships that I had to consciously end...not because there was trouble between us but because the friend brought something into my life that wasn't good for me. One friend who gossiped about our other friends. Another with children who were a bad influence on mine. Always, we must be vigilant to purge our lives of what doesn't honor the king.
Oh I love all those things that make you thankful and grateful!!
Great post. And don't you just love a toddlers giggle? So amazing! So genuine!!! ;)
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