My Family


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

mother's day---time to plant the flowers

helping grandma plant the pretty flowers
now its time to water the flowers
and the bushes
and the patio
and the rocks
what a fun day!!


septembermom said...

He's a great helper! All of the pictures are great :) So sweet.

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

He is so cute! The pictures are amazing!

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day with ALL your beautiful children.


Teresa <><

Laura said...

What a cutie! And a good little helper too. You have a future heart breaker on your hands, Christy Rose!

~*Michelle*~ said...

Love the pics! Nothing like digging in God's good for the soul!


Tara said...

Just love his haircut! Andrew loves the dirt too but plays in all of my indoor house plants! Jacob is a little, big helper for sure!!

Darcie said...

Nothing like getting your hands all nice and dirty just to plant something so beautiful as flowers! Kids and adults alike love it, huh? Jacob is one great helper!

Heart2Heart said...


I love how much help Jacob was to you and your mom helping plant everything. It must look amazing. Playing in the dirt is the best part!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Andrea said...

Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures.

Great pictures...
Blessings, andrea

myletterstoemily said...

what a darling little yard man.

Mich said...


somewhere along the way, if you posted about a haircut, i missed it. I notice a few curls are gone and he is looking more like a big boy.

Happy Wednesday!

Beth in NC said...

Children love to play with water!

Those pictures are adorable. I see big man got a haircut. So handsome!

Loren said...

He is too cute and such a helper! Kind of like my Rylee I bet ;) I just love how you capture his sweetness!

Eat him up my dear....I know you do !!!

Love you

Bridget said...

Oh what fun for mother's day! What a great helper Jacob is!! :D

RCUBEs said...
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RCUBEs said...

Sorry...Still fogged up with my vision :) I was just saying that if I have a cute helper like Jacob, I don't mind being out in the garden everyday despite my allergies. So cute...Looked like he had fun watering! God bless.

Karen said...

He is so cute...loved the pictures....

Linda said...

What beautiful pictures-your son is so cute and what a great helper!
Hope you enjoy your day!

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh my word he is so cute. I love the picture with the little flower on his head. LOL Josiah is so good with Jacob. Just precious

Kristin said...

How fun! Those are such cute photos too!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow do you have beautiful photos. Great planting, beautiful again

Life Laugh Latte said...

Is it wrong to say how sad Charisse and I am that your son lives so far away from our daughters? Yes...I mean the older one:) ADORABLE! Holly and Charisse

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

That is a LOT of flowers to plant! No wonder Grandma needed help!

Liz Mays said...

So completely adorable!!! That watering can was as big as he is!

Valerie said...

Hi Christy Rose!

First, what a sweet post! Jacob looks like a great helper for Grandma and Grandpa. Such a big boy using the gardening tools and watering can.

Second, thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your name ideas. I love "J" names too, but we have a LOT of them in our family (my side) brother and his wife used "J" names for their 2 boys, but are also "J" names themselves! In fact, one of my nephews is a "Jacob". Such a beautiful name!

Wishing you a great Thursday...the weekend is almost here!


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I know I don't have to tell you this, but enjoy the help while you can get it. Tonight I actually made it into the kitchen to cook dinner. Baby girl was all about helping momma, but when it came to the tasting she took a pass. Poor thing, she worked so hard. I guess meatballs aren't in keeping with brownies!

Beautiful young boy you have there...


Saleslady371 said...

It takes a family to plant a garden! Yours is adorable and I love the pics!

McCrakensx4 said...

Boys and dirt go together like PB and jelly...hand in hand! Love his hair, but miss those curls! And that watering can is as big as he is!!

Debbie's L'Bri said...

IT is so wonderful that grandpa and grandma let the little guy help...

Come Enter my Anniversary contest

Crown of Beauty said...

Lovely photos! My, how Jacob has grown!


Mocha Momma said...

What a beautiful and fun time. Happy moms & grandmas.

Have a great month of May. Hope it's pretty there and the weather is great.

We finally got 5 days of sun & no rain in a row. The rain will return in about 2 days...I am anxious for many sunny days.

Take care,