over and over again in my heart rings the Scripture that was the foundation of the message that went forth for our church body yesterday. "to live is Christ" (phillipians 1:21) I believe that the depth of the revelation that lies in that Truth is greater than we can possibly imagine. what does it mean to truly "live?" so many people would answer that question in so many different ways. but, the Word of God says that it means Christ. Jesus Christ is life! And truly living is experiencing Him within us. Why do we try to find fulfillment in any other source?
when Jesus ascended to the Father and sent the Holy Spirit to live in us because of our faith in His accomplished work here on this earth, we were united with the Life of God. we were raised from death and made one with Life. and, if we are going to experience all that Life has to offer, it will be as we embrace the Life that lives in us as the only One that will ever bring fulfillment to us in this world. most of the time, we try to find fulfillment in so many other things other than Life Himself. even honorable things like a spouse, your family, doing charitable services, or even ministry work can take the place of embracing the Only One that truly makes life worth living!
hagaii 1:5,6 says "give careful attention to your ways. you have planted much, but have harvested little, you eat, but never have enough. you drink, but never have your fill. you put on clothes, but are not warm. you earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it." i believe that this Scripture clearly describes the living conditions of the person who is trying to experience fulfillment without truly Living. without an awareness of Christ as our life, we are doomed to a disappointed existence with constant striving to live without satisfaction. with Christ as our very life, in which we find all of our fulfillment, other things that are added to our lives don't fall directly out the bottom. we can harvest a full crop, eat and be satisfied, drink and be quenched, dress and be warm, and earn wages that support our families without making those things be our life but an added blessing to already truly Living! what an amazing Truth...........
to live is Christ!