she is one of my wonderful, sweet blogging friends and she has honored me with the privilege of announcing our friendship for all of her blog readers to see. this is something that she has done on fridays for awhile now and i have met so many of her friends this way. i think it is a great way to pass friendships along and unite us all in the blogging world. please stop by and meet her. you will be so glad that you did.

and also! a few weeks ago, i was blessed with this friendship award from another wonderful, sweet blogging friend of mine, loren @ the magoo news. i can not express what a great friend that she has been to me! i feel so honored that she would pass this award on to me! she has a gift of encouraging others even when she needs encouragement herself. only God can do that in a person's life and she definitely reveals the depth of her relationship with Him in everything that she writes in her posts and her comments. i thank God for her friendship in my life!
friendship hits the spot award
now, i have a treat for some of my other blogging friends. i want to pass this award on to some of you.
for those receiving this award it is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. you kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. you are not interested in self-aggrandizement. my hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. please give attention to these friends who are writers. deliver this award to six bloggers who must choose six more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award. i would like to pass this award on to;
every one of you have been a great friend to me! and i want to make sure that i let you know how much your frienship means to me. there are so many others that i would love to treat as well, but i will leave that to you to pass on to some of them. it seems we are all connecting so well, that we have a circle of friends that are becoming connected through the direction of the Lord. let's make our circle bigger by visiting the friends that i have honored here that you do not know and passing this award on to those who you would love to treat too, so we can stop by and meet them. i am completely amazed at what God is doing in His body through the internet and the blogging community. treat your friends today!