I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have (perfect peace and confidence.) in the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer (take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted)! for i have overcome the world. john 16:33
in this world we will have hard times,
but where can we find our peace?
a perfect change in circumstances?
a perfect change in people?
a perfect job?
a perfect place?
or a perfect Savior who has already overcome the world?!!
through it all, perfect peace is only found in Jesus!
Thank you, I like this perfect post. ():o)
I agree the perfect post!! Thanks
Great post!!!
I need to run to Jesus this very moment because my perfect peace with Him flew out the door over something pretty stupid. Thank you for the reminder.
Just what I needed today my friend. Yes HE is perfect and all too often I forget that I should run to Him for everything...not just the big things.
Yes and Amen!
Some people search and search for that perfect peace their entire lives. Like others, I often try to handle things myself just make a mess of it.
Love it! Jesus is our Prince of Peace. His peace reigns in our lives when we look to Him continually as our Peace. What a treasure we have in Jesus!
Hi Christy,
I have been off line quite a bit over the weeks and still am but stopping in because you visited a few times and I was happy to see your name/face and to see you are back online. I was praying for you while you were away and left you a few comments.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful message...as one who is truly walking this road right now; I know that JESUS is my Perfect Peace.
Much love.
Wonderful picture and post! Thanks you for sharing.
This is one of my very favorite quotes. It is so powerful. It starts out meeting us where we are, encouraging us to smile through our tears and then Bam! "for I have overcome the world." Letting me know He already took care of the problem.
Thanks Christy for reminding me:)
What else can I say...but thank you. I feel peace after visiting you here :)
Love the post..
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