My Family


Thursday, December 31, 2009

now appearing for the first time, 2010!

don't we all just love new things. new things are fun and exciting because they have never been experienced before. it is thrilling to encounter them because we do not know what to expect.

the dictionary definition of "new" is having just been made or come into being;  of a kind now existing or appearing for the first time; or something not previously experienced or encountered

we all have experienced many new things in our lifetime:

a new born baby,
a new puppy,
a new outfit,
a new piece of furniture for our home,
a new revelation of the love of God,
a new piece of knowledge or wisdom
a new recipe
a new home,
a new friend,
a new marriage
a new car
a new song
a new day
a new year

there is just something about new things that excite our senses and make us giddy. our eyes get wide with delight as we try to take it all in. it is fun to look at fresh, new things before they begin to look worn, like new clothes before they have been laundered several times or new carpet before it has been walked on a million times.

i love the smell of a newborn baby, puppies, or a brand new car. even a brand new built house smells so good.

 i also always want to touch and feel things that are new. i love to hold a new baby or a puppy or touch that new material on a fresh piece of furniture. if you ever noticed a child when they encounter something new, they want to touch everything in sight.

hearing a new song for the first time that touches my heart or tasting a delicious new recipe that i have never tasted before are wonderful experiences that i love as well.  there is just something about ongoing new experiences that touch our soul and make life exciting.

new things are never new for long. new babies grow up, new puppies become dogs, new clothes begin to look old, new homes and cars get old and need to be refurbished or replaced, new friends become old friends, new marriages become long time shared lives, new songs become old songs that bring back memories, and new recipes sometimes become family favorites.

there is something comforting and enjoyable about the old as well. we know what to expect and are comforted by what we have learned from the things of old. we have usually built a relationship with the older things in our lives and they have taught us or granted us the memories in our lives. old things are hard to let go of sometimes. i had a hard time selling our last home because we lived there in the years of my kids being so young. i have so many memories from living there. my kids still consider that house, "ours." an old comfortable chair or an old family recipe may bring warmth of familiarity to our lives.

each of our lives are filled with so much that is old and new. we learn from the old and live for the new by allowing the comfort, enjoyment, and wisdom that we have gathered from the old bring excitement about what the new might add to it. but, new is necessary for thrill and purpose. without it, life can become dull, boring, and lacking in energy.

its time! its time for the new! its time to take what we learned and the memories from this last year, which is soon to be old, and jump into the new year! are you excited to see the things that God has in store for us? your tastebuds excited for the new foods your will enjoy? your ears elated for the new music you will hear? are you in anticipation of the experiences that await you? is your soul leaping for the excitement of the new friendships you will make and the new depths that God is going to take us, in Him? come one, get excited!! it's a new year!!! now appearing for the first time, 2010


Kristin said...

I'm excited to see what the New Year holds! Happy New Year, Christy!! Hope you have a great night and a fabulous year ahead!

RCUBEs said...

Wishing you the BEST of His rich blessings. Happy New Year sister and God bless you always. Love to you.

Darcie said...

To think of all that the "new" year exciting. Happy New Year Christy!

He & Me + 3 said...

Have a blessed New Year Christy!

Angie said...

That's a great way to look at the New Year, instead of "fear of the unknown". Hope you have a blessed 2010!

Bridget said...

Happy New Year too you, too!!

Laura Brown said...

I love the newness of a New Year. It always energizes me to start with a clean slate! Thanks for the inspiration.

Tara said...

I hope your 2010 is full of blessings!

Karen said...

Many blessings in the new year to you and your family!

septembermom said...

You send out such positivity! Thanks!

Happy New Year Christy!!

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

I'm ready Christy! Happy New Year blog-buddy!!!

Can't wait to see where the Lord takes us this year.

He never ceases to amaze. That's the best part of it all!

Wylie @ Shout A Joyful Noise! said...

Happy new year Christy!!!

Anonymous said...

happy new year!

Warren Baldwin said...

Thank you for this post. And just think, a new year, as wonderful as it is, is just a foretaste of the wonderful new life we enjoy in Jesus, and a deposit on the New Life to be experienced in heaven.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

To be honest, the excitement hasn't hit me yet. I've not thought much further than today. Been a long "wintering" season of the soul, bu I'm hopeful that 2010 will prove to be even more fruitful than the previous year of living. I need to take some time to examine my year now that I'm on the other side of it. I think this is something God is calling me to do in the next week once the kids return to school.

Oh, yes, the blessed return to school. Come on Tuesday.

Here's to the new, sister.

blessings and peace~elaine

Saleslady371 said...

This past season has been a tough one for me. I am so ready for the new! Happy New Year, Christy.

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Yes, I like new things. But I also like one ones, too. Have a very happy NEW year!

Joyeful said...

You've definitely stirred up some excitement in my heart today, Christy Rose! God is doing a new thing!!

Mocha Momma said...

What a neat way to put things into perspective. Thanks and Happy New Year Christy Rose.

Jenilee said...

Happy New Year to you too!! can't wait to see what God does in 2010!

Casey said...

Thanks so much for coming by my blog and visiting! It's great to 'meet' you!